Together we can make a much bigger impact on period poverty.
Our goal is to provide young African schoolgirls from underserved communities with the support they need to successfully manage their periods and build the self-confidence they need to take control of the future and succeed!
Our goal is to help keep them in school. We are ensuring quality education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, good health and well-being, and responsible consumption for young African schoolgirls during their periods.
—We are educating and mentoring young schoolgirls from underserved communities on periods, puberty, and sexual and reproductive health and rights topics via the use of comic books. Your donations will help print out more of these comic books to impact more of these schoolgirls across Africa.
—Every printed comic book comes with a free reusable sanitary pad (3 pads), a wet bag, and a pair of underwear, so if we print 10,000 comic books to reach out to young schoolgirls across Africa, we’ll need to donate 30,000 free reusable sanitary pads (3 pads per girl), 10,000 wet bags, and 10,000 pairs of underwear. Your donation will help provide free reusable sanitary pads to a schoolgirl who can not afford one. You are giving these girls five years of period protection!
—We are giving out free period bracelets with every comic book to increase menstrual awareness and help young schoolgirls effectively track where they are in their cycle and be ready with a pad in their school bag. Your donations will help us create more period bracelets and increase period awareness throughout Africa.
—Your donations will help us translate our comic books to even more languages to reach as many girls as possible and mobilize us to reach out to more schools in underserved communities and impact young schoolgirls across Africa.
We can do it TOGETHER!

PadHer is more than just a nonprofit; we are also a social enterprise. Our hybrid model helps us stay sustainable and continue doing what we do at PadHer.
As a social enterprise, PadHer uses technology to solve period-related issues that can reduce the productivity of women and girls in society. For example, PadHer uses TENS technology to create a wearable, drug-free, instant period pain reliever that produces no side effects. PadHer then uses the profit made from selling these TENS devices to help fight period poverty in Africa.
PadHer also manufactures and sells high-quality, low-cost reusable sanitary pads and similarly uses the profit made from selling them to help fight period poverty in Africa. For example, for every pad PadHer sells, it donates a free reusable sanitary pad to a young African schoolgirl who can not afford one. PadHer is also making period education inclusive by donating one comic book to a young African schoolgirl in an underserved community for every comic book it sells. We also sell Merchs!
There are 17 SDGs in total. While they are all important and interrelated, we are particularly interested in SDG 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12, as they align with our vision, strategy, and goals.
We are currently addressing SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 12, but with your help, we aim to address two more!

We are working on six SDGs right now, and Clean Water and Sanitation is one more SDG we would like to see on this list. We require your assistance to accomplish this. Donating to this cause is a great way to get involved and help. Donations can range from $50 to as high as $1,000, even more. But first, let us talk about how we plan to address this SDG for young schoolgirls.
Constructing private girls-only toilets
We hope to build safe spaces for young African schoolgirls in underserved communities. These are PadHer-run facilities located in separate buildings, away from the school, and equipped with a toilet, a shower, running water, liquid soap, and clean space where schoolgirls can dry their reusable pads after washing. There will also be a private area for changing and resting as well.
Doing this will make sure that young schoolgirls who have their period do not have to go home anymore because they have all they require to get through their periods without any discomfort. They can continue their studies without interruption.
Drilling a borehole
Borehole drilling can cost anywhere between Ksh. 700,000 and
Ksh. 4 million ($6,000 - $35,000) in Kenya. Borehole drilling in Nigeria can cost anywhere between N500,000 and N2,500,000 ($300 - $1,500). Drilling a borehole in underserved communities is critical because we will be able to provide and sell clean water to underserved households at a low cost. As a social enterprise, this will enable us to be able to raise funds to continue doing what we do at PadHer.

As a social enterprise, PadHer manufactures and sells high-quality, low-cost reusable sanitary pads and uses the profit made from selling them to help fight period poverty in Africa. We need your donations to begin producing our reusable cloth pads locally (within Africa). PadHer aims to teach over 1,000 women within Africa how to make reusable sanitary pads, allowing them to earn a living and empowering them in the process.

Sponsor a Young Schoolgirl
Sponsor a young schoolgirl today. Help one young African schoolgirl in an underserved community learn about periods and get 3 free reusable sanitary pads plus a period bracelet for just $7.50.
We cannot do this alone. We need your help!
Sponsor a girl(s) today in multiples of $7.50 i.e. $15 (2 girls), $30 (4 girls), $75 (10 girls) or even $750 (100 girls).
Are you an organization who desire copies of our comic book for humanitarian work, shoot us a message via info@padher.org. We would love to hear from you.