Tag Archives: impactful

PadHer, named one of the World’s Best Education Innovations, impacts over 2,000 girls. Since its founding in 2021, PadHer, an organization that seeks to eradicate period poverty in Africa, has impacted over 2,000 young African schoolgirls. It was recently named one of the “most impactful and scalable innovations in education” by HundrED.org, an organization that seeks and shares inspiring innovations in K12 education.  “To make this year’s Global Collection, 188 Academy Members consisting of academics, educators, innovators, funders, and leaders from 113 countries performed 3,488 reviews based on their impact and scalability that HundrED’s Research Team then evaluated to make the final collection” says Crystal Green, the Head of Research, HundrED.  “Each year, HundrED compiles and publishes a renowned list of the top innovations in education. PadHer made it to the list this year, yet we are barely a year old. Being recognized quickly as one of the world’s leading education innovations by such a…

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